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Welcome to Midlife Matters! We hope you enjoy listening to the podcast. Please reach out with questions, thoughts, or ideas for future topics!

Nov 30, 2022

Today we're talking about hospitality and teens! What do they need to learn before they leave the house? Join us as we share what we've tried to teach and what we're still working on. In fact, we're discovering we can all use a refresher on the finer points of welcoming house guests! 

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Nov 16, 2022

Today we're talking about comparison and celebration. Join us as we discuss the cost of comparison and why we tend to minimize or avoid celebrating good things in our lives! 

Links in this episode

What If It's Wonderful by Nicole Zasowski

I'm a fan recommendations

Mindy's candle

Marie's movie

We'd love to hear from...

Nov 9, 2022

Today we're talking about money! What do you splurge on? What do you buy used? What's something fun you buy for other people? What have you bought that makes life easier? Join us as we share our answers to all these questions and more!

I'm a fan recommendations

Mindy's lights

Julie's recipe

Marie's movie

We'd love to...

Nov 2, 2022

Midlife Matters is four years old and we're here to celebrate with a fun walk down memory lane! Join us as we share how we've grown and changed, what we've learned, and what we hope for the future! 

We'd love to hear from you! Find us here:

Instagram: Midlife Matters Podcast

