Apr 26, 2023
Today we're talking about food as your family size shrinks. Join us as we share what has changed for us, how and where we're shopping, what we're buying, and new items to liven up your dinner rotation!
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Apr 19, 2023
Today we're talking about celebrating joy in the lives of other people and practicing thankfulness. Both of these things seem easy on the surface, but we find ourselves struggling sometimes. Join us as we share what we're learning about these life giving practices!
What if It's Wonderful by Nicole Zasowski
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Apr 12, 2023
Today we're talking about the empty nest. As their kids get older, many women anticipate the sadness of this new stage, but have a harder time imagining happiness. Join us as our guest, Jenny Watson, shares how you can prepare for and thrive in the empty nest!
Feel free to email Jenny at jennifervwatson@gmail.com...
Apr 5, 2023
Today we're talking about time. We're all trying to make the most of it, savor it, and enjoy as much of it as we can. Join us as we share some of the times we cherish, those we hope to never repeat, and the times we're looking forward to!
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